January Awareness: Join the Fight Against Human Trafficking and Slavery
Jan 03, 2025 — by 775TimesTeam in 775Times, Articles
The month of January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
Per Washoe County Sheriff:
“There are an estimated 49.6 million people worldwide,12 million of them children, who are trapped in some form of human trafficking or modern slavery. Cases have been reported in every state and territory of the United States.
These traffickers, through force, fraud, and physical or psychological coercion, force their victims to engage in sexual acts, labor, or services against their will. With everyone working together, we can help prevent these horrendous acts from continuing.
Join the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office in our efforts to raise awareness for human trafficking by wearing blue on January 11th, #WearBlueDay, and throughout the month as we continue our fight to end human trafficking.
If you suspect an act of human trafficking in your area, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at (888) 373-7888 or contact local law enforcement.
Obtenga ayuda de la Línea Directa Nacional de Trata de Personas: 1-888-373-7888 o enviando un mensaje de texto con HELP o INFO a BeFree (233733)
#endtrafficking #humanrights #notforsale #traffickingawareness #slaveryandhumantraffickingpreventionmonth” #reno #sparks #washoecounty #nevada